Tuesday, July 13, 2010

JANE The Phoenix - (mine fiction)

One day there's a little girl, that like to be out there rather than inside. She likes watch people and everything around. She has a dreams to be a justice officer.

"hahaha ... someday in da future GOD, I'd like to be a cool woman detective. gettin' client, searching for any kind information, doing undercover, and bam! catch the bad guy".

"I'll do it! I'll do it from the bottom of my heart to help people that need it and make the world better than yesterday". She said it everyday like an antibiotic that she need to consumption.

But the day rolled over on speed mode, someday reality is working not like our plan. Even we already make the right pattern into make whole real. And this is happen to that girl too. Poor her!
She was broken heart with all situation.

She was failed on some dot that never been thought before. She was really upset about everything. Crying is just one thing that helped her passed the time until everything got recover.

Jane ... Jane ... Jane. There she is, standing bravely in the field full of people that chattering to her.

"Congratulation jane", you just get that level after.
"Yes Jane ... it's an honor to work with you as well. Like to be in your team ma'am".
"Hey you man! Oops no I mean strong woman ... u just do a good step to it. Nice work!"
and lots of again.

But that's not make her become a conceit personal, she just JANE. Like the ordinary time that still expect to be a woman on justice line that make world better than yesterday. Even so many rush and crowded path on her works.

"Well, I'm not the only Saint living here on earth anyway, there's so many out there".
"I'm just an ordinary people that become extraordinary because of my duty. The duty that you never thought before, even u will say it's a "bull" to happen on this era. For GOD sake, when u are a normal people u wont know whether this kind of activities is here,...on this earth and on way since long."

"I never know whole this people for the rest of my life before. Yet the world always in circle mode on, so does the life eh? We meet people almost everyday, shake hand, talking, negotiating, or just for smiling to them. Sometimes , u can known them clearly and having a relationship as a good friend, pal, or lover. Something that happen in general life and do with no heart or need feeling. Just flowing like a water, until someday u were stuck in one dot that giving u a change".

Lil change for life but have a wide impact for humanities around the world. Lil changes for gaining a PEACE. And there's Jane position ... in unintended one.

Before this, Jane is an ordinary woman. Yes she is only human that someday doing right or wrong. You know what when somebody went wrong on their life, GOD always there watching our without rest. And when u are realize what the wrong things and want to make all clear again GOD give u another shot to us for working with well. So does Jane. GOD is giving her changes and chance to make her world valuable than before. HE thrown so many trials for Jane to completely the puzzle.

HE let her to have another adventure to accomplish. From being alone to get socialize and having lots or maybe tons of friend that so fully meaning to her. HE is giving Jane to be a wide opened thinker and healer and motivator too. HE is giving a rebirth to her and be her companion forever.

She wasn't long enough stayed at this things, it's about 4 or 6 years get along with those sphere. She is becoming a motivator and healer to those need it. On it ways, she known something about life. She is meeting with so many people that never known will be good friends of her. A great people around the world. Every step is a learning time for her, every friend she met on the way were her teacher of life, even from the 'jerk' one.

Jane is standing at the center and find another company to help her. And they are coming from almost every corner of countries. The main are from 4 corner that were spreading their path until unlimited branch. Like a star the path is reconcile the PEACE. :) Haa!

The trial are very heavy indeed, she has to know everything about things happen on this earth. Even can not maintain all, she just know whole info from her simple abilities. Someday she can mention the moment that anyone not yet sure about and it's true. She likes monitoring world via her simply compie with reading and hearing in the right place. Jane is look like an innocent woman that is knowing so many subject. You can thought about everything about her , but still can't guess what exactly on her mind.

She is watching, and trustworthy person that you can know on this era. COOL eh! even someday ... nope not someday, but on majority time she looks like a COLD MOUNTAIN.
And she is a unique one and yes she is here , among us. She is an guardian on phoenix level. Not every one can reaches that level. For her, it's an achievement. While the elder stage still not known how to get into that level, even they are all have higher abilities than she is.

--------------to b continue

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Strolling Around

Hello 2024 its been a while eh? Hope you all always be alright in the middle of everything happens in the world. 2024 and still strolling ar...