Thursday, May 18, 2023

Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang

A famous word by one of our heroes, R.A Kartini that become a title of art exhibition at one of hotel in Bandung. This art exhibition is filled by many female artist in town. Knowing this info from one of the artist that exhibit her art there. And then finally I arrived at that place to see and enjoy those masterpiece. In every canvas i saw, there are also knowledge about the world of art present. This seems to describe what is meant by the title of the exhibition, excelent! Here's some pictures of it.
How's that? Any canvas you interest to see in directly? Well, you can visit this hotel named De Paviljoen at Riau street. This exhibition will be there until June, 19th 2023 every 10am - 5pm. Be happy with your journey then. Keep postivo, positive keep.

Strolling Around

Hello 2024 its been a while eh? Hope you all always be alright in the middle of everything happens in the world. 2024 and still strolling ar...