Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Walks to the end (2)

What kind of interesting met at way to the end years of 2024? Well, its dance performance again, the traditional one at different occasion. This time is the perform of Tari Legong that created by Biyang Bulantrisna Djelantik and brought by three collaboration studio dance such as Sukma Ayu Bulan Bandung, Githa Saraswati and STB. Asmarandana. This Bali dance was performed at Love Letter From Bali that held in Nu Art Park at last Sunday. Here's some pics of that performance.
Most of the audience was so enthusiastic to watch this dance. So glad to see the dance that created by one of the Maestro Bali dancer. While the day is gloomy but while when this dance performed the weather gain to bright. positive vibes was felt around. Some believed said those positive vibes soul will work in harmony with the universe. Just KeeP PosiTivo, Positive Keep. See you all in next notes.

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Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...