Friday, October 5, 2012

Merapi Open Air museum

Merapi Open air museum.  Made after the last big eruption happened on that place.  Been so dry and gray and crunchy.  This Gunung Merapi was famous with a person called Mbah Marijan that believed to be a caretaker of it mount.  He is died already and there's somebody replace his task now on.
For those who can't stand to walk farthest , we can rent a motorcycle to go up there and seeing all view after the eruption. It cost Rp 20.000, 00
You will get one motorcycle plus the guide :) .
Its a gloomy noon when I was arriving there, feel the fresh air of mountain and hoping the light will be shown then.  Thanks GOD the sun coming while I was up there at the museum.  Bright point at gloomy is feeling like 'sesuatu banget'.
After that session the guide let me go up to the Mbah Marijan mosque.  Voila! what a de javu ... however soever feel glad that i have been there finally after.  That kinda sign that everything is connecting and natural language is one of loyal system by HIM.  Hahaha :)
Btw, we can see some track story up there.  Also the evidence of that situation.  Just see the car and motorcycle that displayed there ... at that moment that burnt car was a vehicles that bringing two reporter who was report the situation.  That two reporter was died on duty.
At some corner we can see Gamelan stuff that seen brown because of it too.  Use to be before that eruption happened, those stuff is using for some traditional ceremony for the tourist.
Mbah Marijan daughter has  a lil souvenir shop too. You can see below :).

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Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...