Saturday, March 17, 2012

May Star

May star it said so, the title of a chinese resto at Grand Royal Panghegar, Bandung city, Indonesia.
They have nice food with the delicious spices. They were processing every kinda meat at soft stage, feel good for real.  With a "Juice Segar" that mixed from some fruits.
I recommend for their roast duck, its good taste indeed :).
Whether u are not in Bandung city, u can reach them at Jakarta.  There are several place too such as Central Park Mall, Gandaria City, Emporium Pluit mall and Hotel Le Grandeur ( u probably can search their addresses at search engine).  :D
For the few days later I just spelled about different subject with same line, May Star.
Then rewind it few times in a #freelicioustime for none, just want to say it.
What a weird march with may star i said so
Then some May Star just twinkled for several time around.
Dunno why , i remember my friend that has a nickname May.  I was unlocked the kompie and found her at Kebaya in her profile picture.  And i said whoaaaaa dear GOD this is awesome!
I thought the session of it words just ended when the awesome showed up.  In fact , its showed up again this noon.
Its blast in big size , like when we find a line that written by capital letter "MAY STAR".
What's this? I was thinking, what happen with this line ... why the blast is bigger than usual? Do i missed something.  Hmm maybe there's a happiness day somewhere and bring luck for everyone. Hahahaha ...

May star ... may star ... do i have another may star that will bringing happiness inside?
Hmm may is running 2 months from now maybe something good arriving there for merry time.

M for :

M to M = May to Merry :p - LOL!!

Hmm by the way this noon "May Star" just made me smile in spontaneous.  Hopefully that will be precious may star that singing and shine on from HIM. (^____^) -- blink ... blink ...

Yippiiii duuu.
Bless u all <3


Anonymous said...

its May 18th perhaps miss B :). when everything circled. the star and moon guardian ...

Anonymous said...

sorry for the M to M, is it possible if i said March for Marry? sounds more cool rather than May for Merry

BeluBelloBelle said...

eh ?? hah?? sapa yang ngetik ya ... *mikir*

ga tau tapi ide bagus tuh March for Marry -- ada jalannya gak Tuhan? hahaha ...
Gw sih mikirnya marching march like a drum aja. Genderangnya lebih asik hehe (kalau ada tapi Tuhan) gitu readers yang anonim semua.

trims buat para anonim inih

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