Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life of caterpillar

caterpillar ...

then just found this yesterday that remind me of story titled "Wedding Gown" from Vahdventure Storybook.
by the way there's a pic too that having a line like this:

"Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over ...
... it became a butterfly"

(from mayapada world)


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


in every steps
in every leaves
in every butterflies
in every framing
in every point of views
in every ways
in every shadow
in every yards
in every lines
in every starring
in every blinking
in every corner
in every bells ringing
in every ride
in every pointing
in every freshen air
in every memories of them
in every pocket books
in every tap tap tap
in every linking
and twinkling
in every children yelling
in every public transport
there always Alarm for we people
remembering someone
and praying for

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Spending Time @ Lawangwangi Creative Space

Its a noon time with friends (old and new), spending time @ Lawangwangi Creative Space on Jl Dago Giri no 99, Dago, Bandung - Indonesia.  That was the 1st time for me being there and feel glad to know about it place.  An art exhibition is on going now a days and will be there until november 25th, 2012. There are a Solo Show titled "Matahari Centhini" by Edi Susanto . Its on the 1st floor we met large frame about famous spy that called Mata Hari (eww I just known her yesterday - hehehe ... yet knowing the story but never care about her name till yesterday came hahahahaha x-))))  )  .  Other is "DESIGN/ART: RENEGOTIATING BOUNDARIES" that contains from many art-designer that good at each fields.  C'mon just take a look what I've got there!  Unfortunately not clicked all, just few of them, well you can see all at the sites from bold line i wrote before :)

Happy Weekend All :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Searching For Peace

Many brilliants in the world, full with their own expressions.  Yesterday i lost the step at Sunday noon into this simple exhibition titled Searching For Peace.

In the simple white building at Jl Ir. Haji Djuanda (Dago) named Padi Art Ground, this is the last exhibition held at that place and both are the last exhibitionist who is representation their art there .  It was Prabu Perdana and Akhmad Harahap behind all frames stay tune at that white room.  Peace from each mind of them that related to environment of life today.  Emotion , reality, spiritual were mixing into nice languages that showing smooth at their forms. "In every frames it contain messages for the audience.  Simplicity and flowing also glowing in the dark.  Beauty of boldness mind that have universal means" .Let me share some of theirs:

Akhmad Harahap and his soul called "BATIN"

Prabu Perdana and his value sight at "VEGETARIAN"

 in the middle of 

The Individualist by Akhmad Harahap

Left side is Prabu , Right side is Akhmad

by the way this exhibition is presentation for a week until November 17,th 2012
opening from 2 - 9 pm
other references press release you can read on this link below:

enjoy :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Surprising Weekend

Meet lil taurean and virgo at weekend
both are huges than the last time saw 'em
Cute to have a greet with them as surprisingly
Can hug them both - yip yip and krip krip ;)
Lil taurean now look so chubby - and hug him is fully of hahaha + hihihi , we both missing each other
Lil virgo look so pretty , still chubby and having more babblement than before with clear spell

again have a pleasure weekend all :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

around keraton yogya & vredeburg fortress :)

Above are some pic from museum kareta keraton @ yogyakarta

Tic toc tic toc at around kraton Yogyakarta

Vredeburg fortress at noon time

Unfortunately we were late for half an hour after it s been closed :(

But we were lucky, because the cafe was opened ... so here we are after till nite drop
its cold plus lil bit dark :p

However soever, step up and been caught them at night, pretty enough eh :)

and them too

and this before we went home ... brrr

explore - dream - discover - capture

it spells "change colors and flavors!"
wow must be having so many process through even the idea was so simple
make all colorful and tasty for every heart eat 'em
saw the title 1st then up a lil bit to the word "everlasting"
r u sure Gob?
then turn the box and finding another words chattering :
Greetings ( voila to you too ^_^ )
Many tasty treats awaits you ( hehe let's praying then for every good motions and notions around )
Scrumdiddlyumptious ( hmm this one just bring an idea about Ice Cream - hahaha )
Beyond Measure ( yeaaah that is just like whole fluctuated path doing all the time :D )
with the closing -- don't just Stand There + Go On + Feed Your Imagination  ( seem having some meanings w/ a line saw at urs about things "taps shoulder" hahahaha )

its all about explore, dream, discover and captured behind whole things running. voila! voila! voila!

btw it was red 1st then turn to orange and the last is soft-pink when i took one of 'em into mouth
hehehe ... red like a reddish and pria cabai.
refreshing indeed
swing and sway
dududu di damdam

Friday, October 12, 2012

culinaries at holiday

holiday culcul (culinary, red) :p

Bubur Kuah Santan ini enaak juga @UGM Sunday morning

Kalau yg ini nasi soto yg dipilih kakak sepupuku saat di UGM Sunday morning

Makanan Barat - recommended @ R&B Grill - Mongisidi St, Yogyakarta

Penampilannya lucu ya yang ini di Indische Koffie @Vredeburg fortress
Pisang Keju, es kopi, bir plethok plus ice lemon 

Kue jadul (dunno what the name is, yummy ;)  )

Mmmm seem i was missed one place to tell.  Its a resto that build in Dutch architecture, located in Jl Wolter Mongisidi 19 named KopiTiam Oey.  I'm sure this one is familiar at Yogyakarta.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Views @ Taman Sari, yogyakarta

that was several frames i took when hangout at Taman Sari , yogyakarta.
the great from this is when we have to search which way that will bring us to
the ruins of it place.  Because it point nowadays are placed in a round of mass housing.
hope you all enjoy the angle :).

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...