Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gending Sriwijaya

What is Gending Sriwijaya?

Gending Sriwijaya is a dance that is perform for welcoming the special guest such as head of countries, ministers, ambassadors or some people on that level of life. This is kinda dance that showing for a good relationship between the host and the relation guest.

This traditional dance is coming from Sriwijaya kingdom era - Palembang, South Sumatra that sounding of hospitable, merry, whole-hearted to the guest.
At the old days, the background music for this dance will be companion with gamelan and gong, but nowadays it is come with only cd's or dvd music.

By the way, there's a lyrics from the Gending Sriwijaya ... let's take a look :
(unfortunately, can't translate it yet for you all right now - i've got lil space time today)
Di kala ku merindukan keluhuran dulu kala
Kutembangkan nyanyian lagu Gending Sriwijaya
Dalam seni kunikmat lagi bahagia Indonesia
Kuciptakan kembali dari kandungan Sang Maha Kala
Sriwijaya dengan Asrama Agung Sang Maha Guru
Tutur sabda Dharmapala sakya Khirti dharma khirti
Berkumandang dari puncaknya Siguntang Maha Meru
Menaburkan tuntunan suci Gautama Buddha sakti.

Borobudur candi pusaka di jaman Sriwijaya
Saksi luhur berdiri teguh kokoh sepanjang masa
Memahsyurkan Indonesia di daratan se-Asia
Melambangkan keagungan sejarah Nusa dan Bangsa
Taman Sari berjenjangkan emas perlak Sri Kesitra
Dengan kalam pualam bagai di Sorga Indralaya
Taman puji keturunan Maharaja Syailendra
Mendengarkan iramanya lagu Gending Sriwija

(Me, myself are love the way it dance when accompany with gamelan and gong. The classic and grand extremely great... - yes it's rare this time to get one like that). But this is still a good dance from Indonesia too.

However, so ever it'll be can speak on the wedding too. Still in the wedding of special people too.
It's a beautiful dancing for sure. May HIM giving me a chance to meet that kinda classic within the real gamelan and gong.

Enjoy all for you who wants to see or hear just try to search it on internet. :)

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