Monday, May 23, 2022

To the half year

Almost half year, not yet so its going to. What is happening in the range of this time? Well its still about to catch what supposed to catch that HIM provide me to enjoy the time. Grateful to see beauty of flowers from everyway to anyway like those you can see it.
Thankful for those appreciated my novel that been publised in early year.
Hey! someone just posting what she read on bus too!
Stepping to some art exhibition like always.
And go to the place that been long time no see or new places that never been seen before.
To the half year and on, may HIM let me meet much as I can get to see and learn things around. Yes still on pandemic however keep refreshing minds to get well goods in a way to everywhere. Breathing...Okay then keep Positivo, positive keep (^_^) see ya all around with another notes.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

January and Di Ruang Temu, Bersahabat

Yippikayey! hai January what's going on? This january I was published a novel at online publishing. Its about people who make a bestfriend through unusual way. A simple story yet make readers shown their smile when read it (their confession). Where you can get the novel? Well you all can get it from online stores such as tokopedia, guepediastore or bukalapak. Just search through the title Di Ruang Temu, Bersahabat and have a good time reading it! (^_^)
That's how the look (^_^), may you all have a really well spent time reading. Ooh yeap its written in Indonesian whether you wanna know what language used. Keep positiVo, positive keep then (positive vibes) :D

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...