Friday, December 31, 2021


2021 at last day! Mmm not much to write down even pretty much things happened. Whatever it is at least let's take a gratitude cause HE let us to see colors of nature, feeling the fresh air and simple view around.
Take a breath and release not going nowhere doesn't mean can't do anything. Hahaha :). not much strolling anyway feel grateful for all HE let us keep enjoying the time. Keep positivo, positive keep yeaay \(^__^)/

Friday, April 23, 2021

Chirp chirp time

chirp...chirp...chirp...once upon in aftenoon. chirp here, there and everywhere. just being a listener of their chirping whereas fun is loading. hoo...maybe they were having great talk about something good somewhere. btw, have you ever get noticed about their sounds whether only looking at them? do they chirp bring something into the mind? like hei! just said thankful to the nature that they still provides world with their sound balancing the time. chirp ... chirp ... time may you all get the positive vibes along the road to everywhere. .(^_^).

Sunday, January 31, 2021

At machine world

Scan a layer of paper and make the copy of it the machine called fotocopy machine. Years have moved so do the lifestyle. In a machine time fotocopy machine are replaces into scan portable. Scan here scan there and everywhere thou its under your skin by the barcode system. What a life between human nature and human machine. From a paper to a moving shapes. All named as technology. Where do we go from here? Just keep being a human. Why? Human is special made by The Majesty One with everything plus and minus. Today is a time machine however soever keep the health in mind. Why Coz The Majesty One is waiting those whose believing in HIM at heaven. Temporary temporary world where human needs to believe to HIM only, creator of this entire world. Whereever you are all even scanner does exist here, there and everywhere. Please to be human being and charge the world with great humanities and right pray for all. Keep positivo, positive minds keep.

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...