Monday, September 21, 2020

Conversation With The Majesty One

How far can you go from goodness action to everywhere that might be already in passed time? They weren't here nowadays anyhow still be a warmth memory at mind. About helping and reminding each other to give great message to the future. Hmm in a diversity life of people we can not knowing all behavior ,anyhow to learn about sharing positive can conduct it to another great gift you wont catch before. How often you feel thankful for things happens at life through the good or hard time? How often you do some dialogue with The Majesty One who is create this universe about the lessons you took from a or any moment passes at life? After all, just keep a moment and sees around how lucky you are being one or part of people that given gifts by The Majesty One to heal and reflect the lesson. One lesson could blossoming into another lessons. Never get bored to do good for others, Why? in this world you never live alone. One big person could be somebody just because of another. Why have to put the big ego that you are the great while in becoming great you need another people to motivate you up. So have you ever been done the conversation about your acchievement or accomplishment with Him, The Majesty One that been created the universe? Not yet? Well just tryin' then. Be happy to have conversation with HIM! Keep positivo, positive keep.

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...