Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Local local masterpieces everywhere 😊

Most favorable things been written is the comic about weaving fabric of Indonesia . Its remarkable for sure as the making of those, whole beautiful process come by natural surrounding. Fabric weaving is a special, none everyone could understand that local product have so many education inside. Weaving is the reminder of our identity whereas people believe into something great than everything that giving life on earth. In weaving we learn how to respect the One whose create world also people, philosophy,creativity,etc. Weaving is unconditional love that brings around us here to be a reminder about the essence of life itself. So,have you respect them made that creation? Whether not yet just educate ourselves from blindness. Opening for everything positive way is there awaits to explore and make life brighter. Wherever you are especially the Indonesian please take a look what's surrounding us. Being a caretaker of the traditional masterpiece is our part responsibility for the future too. How far you proud to be Indonesian? Is on your way to everywhere. How its masterpieces bond you? Well well well the answer is only yours that reflect who you are later. Local wisdom is a wise for sure, keep learning for many. Don't let it died by centuries. To whom been stand up and content it masterpieces, respect. May in the next day and so on the kind of that cognition could bring great movement in learning for our fabric stories and other things. Be happy to find knowledge everywhere positive. See you all around and catch positivo everywhere 😊.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Agustus dan tali temali. Tali temali yang seperti jalur jelujur, mengaitkan satu titik ke titik lainnya menjadi garis-garis teratur yang hasilkan bentukan kuat. Hei tali-temali, hei dunia salam saling mengaitkan positif-positif sederhana menjadi baris dan deret luarbiasa. Selamat Hari Pramuka! Keep Positivo, positive keep 😊.


Seluas apa? Sejelas apa? Sejauh apa? Seberapa Sportif? Speaking of sportifitas... Cieeeee udah sampe situ belum ya? Atau masih sibuk mengelola kata sportifitas menjadi banyak yang akhirnya memenjarakan sportifitas itu sendiri? Jadi seberapa sportifitas kita untuk ada dalam proses menuju. Yeah lebih ke proses ya,kalau tujuan dulu mungkin saja sportifitas itu hilang di tengah jalan. Mau kemana? Ini pertanyaan tentang tujuan, sepersekian banyak manusia punya tujuan silakan menjawabnya dalam hati. Dimana Sportifitas berada? Dimana cing? Di niat, di perjalanan atau dimana kira2. Silakan lo tersenyum untuk si Sportifitas. Kira2 seberapa besar ego yang ditaruh di dalam sportifitas itu? Cukup untuk diri, berlebihan dan atau dan atau... Hahaha semua jawaban hanya ada pada masing - masing kepala. Hingga berenti di seberapa berani kita menerima semua hasil dari tindakan sportifitas itu. Semoga hari-hari menyenangkan datang selalu di sekitar kita. Salam sportifitas temaaaaaans Keep Positivo, positive keep.

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...