Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Terimakasih 😊

Terimakasih 😊 Sudahkah kamu berterimakasih untuk siapapun yang membantumu melewati hari? Pada siapa? Pada... Mereka yang hadir untuk selalu ada. Mereka yang ada dalam posisi menguji. PadaNYA yang selalu memberikan ujian kecerdasan tak berbatas pada kita,manusia. Mereka orang-orang besar yang menyemangati dengan jejak -jejak tertulisnya. Mereka yang selalu berdoa tanpa henti untuk kebaikan. Dan lain-lain. Kata terimakasih itu mudah dikatakan namun mudah sekali diabaikan. Hey! Terimakasih pembaca semoga kebaikan selalu menyertai kalian. Dimana pun kalian berada. Keep PositivO, positive keep 😊.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Measure. How is it? Is it possible when there's no measurement in developing something? Measure are everywhere thou. It's in our body system, receipes of much, built a building, doing photography, spellbound and etc. How's the taste so familiar when its all lost? Any result of development or just things unseen that being a prisoner of the mind only. Even the mind still have magical measures that made all thought stores in balance, whether its not then there'll be unbalanced happen (and its happening - u could ask the psychological major about this kinda lap). Not everyone have a great ability in numeric,calculate,and doing measures anyway whether we want to take a deep breath, silent for a while we can pay attention a lot for what's surround. Filtering the good and smile for everything where in everything is a real guardian thought of HIM, The Majesty One. DIA mencukupkan kita, manusia. Be syukran with the decision of HIM. Be happy measures your mind to the bright point. Discard the unnecessary, keep PositivO, positive keep.

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...