Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Morning all ^_^

Morniiiiing ^_^
No sunshine but still the lovely 
Pictured was sent by
Good person that took them
On their mini garden
Lovely flowers to see
May all yours get the simple spirit in
Everyday life.
Keep breathing and smile.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Warm Gloomy Time

Gloomy time doesn't always awful
This gloomy just put them on white
Then one two three
mix n match
Warm are there
As one of  the
PositiVo burst!
Keep fun ^_^

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Amazing Yesterday ^_^

Amazing Yesterday

How come i told not amazing because just the way it is
World yesterday seem so fun
Can you imagine whether there were liners of butterfly in different colors, fly here and fly there in happily
Then the blue birds fortunately already have their son! hahaha
Just found the little one that learn to fly in bamboos , its amazing!
To see it jump from one stalk to another stalk of its tree.
For the 1st time i could captured that Blue Bird, well its the little one but its okay (will be posting the pic later)
Then there are dragonfly too , the red one that busy to fly between the leaves down there.
Smooth blue in the air and those mountains surround.
Feels like universe recognize things happening here, very funny to catch.

Have a funny view on the way everyone
May it could bring some cherish moment to yours.
Keep PositiVo ^_^

As my promise.  Look!  Look at this! Little Blue Bird at Bamboos

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April dan Para Wanita ^_^

April ini bertemu banyak wanita hebat !
All are inspiring
Mau tau ceritanya? Well it'll be telling after the Asia Africa Conference in Bandung done ^_^
Funtastic to meet them all.
What a gracious time.
Thankful for it ♡!

berawal dari sebuah ajakan berkreasi yang tak bisa dihadiri karena satu dan lain hal lalu Tuhan kembali mempertemukanku dengan mereka yang mengikuti kursus singkat ini.
 Berterimakasih pada ibu yang mengundang ^_^

wikennya reunion!

Art art art
Weekend with art people
Meet again with them that so long no see plus the 1st time , finally we were all There in an exhibition of Pak Hanafi Muhammad for Oksigen Jawa at Galeri Soemardja.
special thanks to whom brought the news about its exhibition.
Very refreshing while in the opening time there's an inspiring speech that came from our education ministry, bapak Anies Baswedan.
This exhibition just giving many info what happened surround us within those painting and installations. Something that look so simple but having depth meaning to those facing up with whole social problamatic. This is intresting where we could captured things with complex feeling into simple brush of stories. Loved the way Pak Hanafi telling the stories through all.  Its quite intresting when we looked at the circle frame on the wall from there to those name and notes written ... as the kurator said in his last paragraph, so thats the way it been told.
Gracias for the time in exploring his masterpiece ^_^
Another fun that i could met again with Indyra our contemporer artist and Tiarma Sirait that fame with her batik harajuku and many more. The fine sculpture person, George Timorason . Young sculpture too that i know his masterpiece Wilman Hermana. Some comic person that fame with Billy Nasution and fun artist name Henryetta Louise.
Its a reunion for me hahaha old and new friends met on the way. What a fffuuuuunnn time!
Have a cherish weekend and time too everyone. May the miracles come to you n make the world smile.
Have a bless and always PositiVo all.

Some of the exhibition part ^_^

With those great artist woman ^_^

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Think universe

Follow, unfollowed
Zoom in, zoom out
at some frequences
Maybe theres a stuff that could do that to know about people
Machine is machine
Techno is techno
But none of things could brilliant as HE is
The One who creates Universe
Just said people can do many for some contenment
But when HE doesn't agree with your intention or reason behind ...
Just see what the next happened through
Whether you want things be yours ,well it wont happens as you want to.
We are human right?
Exactly is only HIM.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

H! ( random alfabet)

H ! for

HIM as the great

everywhere we go
anything we do

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wikennya .... bumi!

berpijak dimana2 ♡ku senang
Hirup segar
Melihat cerah
Dan Semangat
Dalam waktu terguyur mereda*
Hei ini menyenangkaaaannn!

Dudududidudidudidam! ♡

Bolu greentea di antara hijau ♡

Book lovers dialogue! ♡

 Semoga kalian dapat semua senang dijalan
Manfaat senang
Baik dalam damai
lalalala ^_^

* terguyur mereda = hujan dalam arti sebenarnya :D

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bintang tak terpoles waktu :-D

Bintaaang - bintaaaang yang berkelap kelip tak kenal waktu
Bersiap untuk bersatu dan pijar cahaya terang
Bintaaaang - bintaaang tak terpoles waktu
Senang berjumpa
Mari berkarya!

Dengan tulus warnai ceria
Bubuhkan asik dalam semua
Cemerlang bersama

"Beda-beda tapi tetap satu jua! "

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Semesta yg bernyanyi
Semesta yg mencinta
Semesta yg menyemangati
Saling tuang menuang isi
Penuhi dengan tawa

Keep Semangaaat!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Aliran kata

Melihat lagi
Mendengar lagi
Tersenyum lagi untuk semua ^_^

"Lucu ya kalimat yang ber-soul itu punya makna yang bisa menyebar ke berbagai bentukan karya manusia lainnya.  Ketika kita mendapatkan si soul di tempat lain, akan dengan mudahnya magnet mengembalikan semua hal yang tersangkut pada makna di penulisan asal.
Manusia bisa mencontek tapi ga ada yang bisa sontek soul asli dari penulis pertama yang mengalirkan kalimat-kalimat itu" #juzathought

"Gak semua manusia bisa menulis bagus.  Namun soul yang mengalir dalam penulisan dari ketulusan akan selalu mewarnai hati - hati yang membacanya.  Mereka, aku atau kamu merasakan aliran itu!" #freethinkerthought

To those remarkable people , saluuut!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Meeting

When butterfly meet flamboyant
When King o heart(s) meet Queen o lover
Different stories o life

When Two just met coincidental and born greatness in masterpiece.
And both are noticed by

And shine on
And sparkling
And smile

Tadaaa when philo meet sophia
Just tafseer all u seen with reality stand still
Have fun!


Miracle(s) come to those believe

Keep PositiVo
for Bright tomorrow

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Ketika satu pintu penuh cahaya terbuka
Heiiii assiiiik
Banyak tak terduga muncul
Kolaborasi - kolaborasi impian yang jadi nyata itu aaah dan semua miliki makna tersendiri untuk hal-hal seperti ini.
Semangat , dimana-mana kata satu itu selalu berikan dorongan asik yang nge per toeng toeng toeng.
Melompat - mendarat - melompat - mendarat
Menyenangkan ^_^ !
Ada satu deret kalimat lucu ketemu di jalan hari ini "Love never goes out style ..."
Universal lalalala, gracias dear GOD
Kemudian langkah tegak maju jalan saja.
Miracles come to those believe in, sometimes its working like a fairy tales story, anyhow if HE want us accepted HIS present so we will ^_^
Thankful for everything and be alive.

Have everyday bright and alive all :D

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...