Tuesday, November 26, 2013

just say ... (2)

thanks a lot for read
just say to urself
to be urself
even we are facing the uncountable mirrors in every second
and filtering so many from it
captured what u should captured
craving what u supposed to crave
keep the Idea shown because of ur self
that realize things around
put them as genuine as urself
so that will be flowing naturally
not only copas semata
imitated wont stay eternally
it'll be lost somewhere
Fresh from the oven just bring healthy
even if it just some simply cooked
not everyone spontaneous to eat them
anyhow it was made original by you


Adios amigos!

Keep PositiVo

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sleby at ... yeay!

spinning around ... fiuuuuh happy anyway
blue that came into warm Sunday of
Blue wears - coincidentaly
Blue sky
Blue bell sleby and friends

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...