Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life of caterpillar

caterpillar ...

then just found this yesterday that remind me of story titled "Wedding Gown" from Vahdventure Storybook.
by the way there's a pic too that having a line like this:

"Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over ...
... it became a butterfly"

(from mayapada world)


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


in every steps
in every leaves
in every butterflies
in every framing
in every point of views
in every ways
in every shadow
in every yards
in every lines
in every starring
in every blinking
in every corner
in every bells ringing
in every ride
in every pointing
in every freshen air
in every memories of them
in every pocket books
in every tap tap tap
in every linking
and twinkling
in every children yelling
in every public transport
there always Alarm for we people
remembering someone
and praying for

Strolling Around

Strolling around again to somewhere for looking an exhibition that I want to go after saw the info. Where is the destination? Well, its titl...