Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hari Kartini

Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang

Selamat Hari Kartini, 

Beliau adalah salah satu wanita yang membawa hawa baru dalam pendidikan wanita Indonesia di masa silam.
Wanita pantang menyerah :)
Kami tentu tak akan melupakan jasamu 
Semoga perjuanganmu di masa yang lalu selalu hidup dalam pemikiran dan hati perempuan-perempuan masa kini yang berjuang di banyak ranah.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rayuan Pulau Kelapa

Ini adalah salah satu lagu wajib Indonesia.  Indah dan anggun. Selamat mengingat dan menikmati tiap liriknya (^__^)

Rayuan Pulau Kelapa

Pencipta dan Pengarang Lagu / Lirik : Ismail Marzuki
Tanah airku Indonesia
Negeri elok amat kucinta
Tanah tumpah darahku yang mulia
Yang kupuja sepanjang masa
Tanah airku aman dan makmur
Pulau kelapa yang amat subur
Pulau melati pujaan bangsa
Sejak dulu kala
Melambai lambai
Nyiur di pantai
Berbisik bisik
Raja Kelana
Memuja pulau
Nan indah permai
Tanah Airku

Friday, April 13, 2012


just write  ...

She'll be showing somewhere
A princess that is having bright vision of life
Cheers to the world
Simple and Pure heart
Was born between the people
A lively and lovely princess
Bring the peace

Some is born inside the castle and some even a little was born outside
Mixing with the people and living with in peace
However the good eyes will know some treasure from purity mind
For those been blessed may knowing it by the heart beat

(whooo ?? ...)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Be Wise Please

Be wise please for those who is having a part-time working money from somebody blogs (mine too perhaps). Just use that earn money u are all get for POSITIVE things. Don't trash it for negative one, I might wont know, but that is a thing that i always pray to HIM.  Using the result for restore peace and not harm or wars. Peace on earth, because we are all family on this world.

Peace for all in heart and mind.
POSITIVO regard 
Wees slim en vir diegene wat met 'n deeltydse werk geld van iemand blogs(hierdie een ook, miskien). Net gebruik wat geld verdien jy kry almal vir diepositiewe dinge. Asblik dit nie vir negatiewe, kan ek gewoond weet nie, maar dit is 'n ding is dat ek altyd tot Hom bid. Gebruik die resultaat vir die herstel van vrede ennie skade of oorloë. Vrede op aarde, want ons is almal familie op hierdie wêreld.

Vrede vir almal in die hart en siel.
POSITIVO verband

უნდა წმინდა გთხოვთ, მათთვის, ვისაც აქვს ნაწილი დროში მომუშავე ფულივინმეს დღიურები (ეს ძალიან, ალბათ). ისარგებლეთ რომ იშოვე ფული uყველა მიიღონ პოზიტიური რამარ წაშლა ეს უარყოფითი ერთი, მე შეიძლებაwont ვიცი, მაგრამ ეს არის, რაც მე ყოველთვის ევედრე მას. გამოყენებაშედეგები აღდგეს მშვიდობა და არა ზიანი ან ომებიმშვიდობა დედამიწაზე, რადგან ჩვენ ყველა ოჯახს ამ მსოფლიოში.

მშვიდობა ყველას გული და გონება.
POSITIVO დაკავშირებით


Essere saggio per favore per chi sta avendo un lavoro a tempo parziale i soldi daqualcuno blog (anche questo, forse)Basta usare che u Guadagna sono tutti perottenere cose positiveNon cestino per uno negativo, potrei solito so, ma è una cosa che ho sempre pregare HIMUsando il risultato per la pace e non di ripristinodanni o guerre. Pace sulla terra, perché siamo tutti una famiglia su questo mondo.

Pace per tutti nel cuore e nella mente.
POSITIVO per quanto riguarda


Weise sein wenden Sie sich bitte für diejenigen, die eine Teilzeit-Arbeit ist Geld von jemandem Blogs (auch dieser, vielleicht). Verwenden Sie einfach die selbst Geld verdienen u sind alle für positive Dinge zu bekommen. Trash nicht für sienegative, könnte ich gewohnt wissenaber das ist eine Sache, die ich immer zuihm zu beten. Mit dem Ergebnis für die Wiederherstellung des Friedens und nichtschaden oder Kriege. Friede auf Erden, weil wir alle Familien auf dieser Welt sind.

Frieden für alle in Herz und Verstand.

현명한 사람의 블로그 (이번에도, 아마도)에서 돈을 일하는 파트타임을 느끼는 사람들을 위해하시기 바랍니다. 단지이 모든 긍정적인 일들을 얻을됩니다 적립 머니u를 사용합니다. 부정  그걸 망치하지 마세요, 불렀었 아는지 모르하지만 그건 내가 항상 그에게기도하는 입니다. 복원 평화와없는 피해 또는 전쟁의 결과를사용합니다. 지구의 평화, 우리가이 세상의 모든 가족입니다 때문입니다.

마음과 마음 모두를위한 평화.

Soyez sages s'il vous plaît pour ceux qui est d'avoir un travail à temps partiel de l'argent de blogs quelqu'un (celui-là aussi, peut-être). Il suffit d'utiliser que u gagner de l'argent sont tous obtenir des choses positivesNe pas dans la corbeille pourun négatifje pourrais coutume sais, mais c'est une chose que j'ai toujours prier.En utilisant le résultat pour la paix de restauration et non du mal ou de guerres.Paix sur la terreparce que nous sommes tous une famille sur ce monde.

La paix pour tous dans le cœur et l'esprit.
ce qui concerne POSITIVO

Будьте мудры, пожалуйста, для тех, кто оказывает неполный рабочий деньгиот кого-то блоги (это тоже возможно). Просто используйте которые зарабатывают деньги и все получить за позитивные вещи. Не мусор наотрицательный, я бы обыкновение знать, но это вещь, которую я всегдамолиться ЕмуИспользуя результат для восстановления мира, а не вред иливойн. Мир на земле, потому что мы всей семьей в этом мире.

Мир всем сердцем и умом.
Positivo связи


Sapientibus placet qui est habens partem tempus operantes pecuniam a quisblogs (hoc quoqueforte). Iustus utor quod mereretur pecuniam u omnes adeptoenim res. Neque vilia pro negativa, ut solet, tamen quod semper orandum est ei.Usura per pro restituo pacem et non damnum aut bellaPax in terra, quoniamgenus omne saeculum.

Pax mente.
Thanks for the attention to this notes.  Just get whole from the translation, sorry for the poor language :DCherio!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Circle is

Juz for fun

circle (up) + circle (down) = 8
circle (left) + circle (right) + line = glasses
circle (front) + circle (rear) + triangle + pedal + chain = bicycle

just built it up with many lines, angled, engines, motor, fuel married them all together
what will be happen with that?
motorcycle, car, truck, aeroplane, train ---> TRANSPORTATION, LIFE, CONNECTION, NETWORKING

Easiness, simplicity, FACILITY

Circle is everywhere juz like them and us who is living inspired by it
Never stop amazing circle

Juz wanna say that everything is continue from SIMPLICITY to the complicated that was facilitate by CONNECTION, NETWORKING that are becoming our TRANSPORTATION of LIFE to next stage.

However, so ever BE HAPPY for everything coz HE NEVER SLEEP. (^___^)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...