Thursday, September 22, 2011

Airwalk time

Airwalk time is stand still every day.
Stay in a loyal .
And smile forever.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Seorang teman baru-baru ini berkata, "Apa yang si A kerjain itu rasanya mantul. Mengingatkan masa-masa muda yang pernah gue lalui dengan sejuta perasaanh dan prilaku yang terjadi di masa itu". Sebagai manusia biasa, saya pun ikut berkata-kata layaknya teman yang saling berbagi pembicaraan mengenai topik tertentu. Tak lama dia kembali berkata,"Nah kan, ni apa yang barusan lu omongin juga berasa mantul ke gue. Ada apa dengan dunia sih?" hehe ... dan selanjutnya pun saya mempertanyakan pertanyaan tentang ADA APA DENGAN DUNIA? Tak lama beberapa kata muncul di benak dan memulai aksinya dalam sebuah susunan jawaban. "Gak ada apa-apa kok, dunia baik-baik saja. MANTUL1 itu pun sesuatu yang kiranya normal terjadi, apalagi di bumi yang bergravitasi ini. MANTUL! itu sebuah kejadian luar biasa dengan sifat yang sangat mulia which is MENGINGATKAN. Iya Mantul ternyata membantu manusia MENGINGATKAN lagi apa yang mereka lupa karena seringnya menggelinding. MANTUL itu asik meski kadang gak selalu positif. Hanya saja teman , hidup memang gak pernah mulus dan ketika gagal mulus menemukan celah lain dari pantulan rasanya benar-benar gak tergantikan oleh apapun. Gak ada yang bisa menggantikan sensasi MANTUL! yang kita dapat selain oleh kita dan NYA. Hebat yah Allah SWT. Hanya dengan MANTUL! Hidup kita bisa kembali berwarna :) Cerah rasanya kalau sudah begitu. Senesta itu ajaib, jadi ketika ada yang bertanya lagi tentang ada apa dengan dunia, mungkin kalian bisa jawab dengan kata MANTUL! Hahahaha .... Selamat menikmati jam-jam kegiatannya yah.

Orange Time

Not a juice nor a shirts its an orange time for: a pendulum, a flower and a butterfly the most interested today is the orange butterfly that flown away with smooth and gently at front garden while I'm almost falling asleep. it makes me wake-up at a moment and seeing it moved good. what a good time indeed :) Thank YOU dear God for showing me it on this brighter morning

Hearty Cloud at Blues

Again! Another creation from HIM landed up our home roof yesterday ... it's coincidental time when i moved my face to the sky upper. Looked at them on the sky and hey! there was a hearty cloud... Amazed me for couple minutes and I said Subhanallah for it. None camera closer at that time so fascinated by ... beautiful indeed , i believed that can make u speechless when see it by yourself. Every minutes i remember itu then I shout wow! for HIS LOVE. :O) It's some sign from many that HE shown us, whether there are something called The Majesty of World ;) HE never leave us and still be our leader :) _The Great One


Bridges ... There are so many visual of bridges can be straight , curve or up to the designer who made it. The real dimension is having that as a connecting stuff so that life can be conduct well. So many people around the world using it. The material are also having variety. The power too. rough or no and etc etc. However, this exterior product not always attended at real life, but also in our un-consious . It can be showed like a rainbow bridge, old bridge, good bridge , etc. It can be saw at difference condition too. Mostly rainbow bridge is famous. When rainbow is containing from 7 color so the way must be colorful enough. U can see many objects with different angle. The bridge still stood as a connecting for people. Well,well,well ... so which bridge u've got in your mind? ---end--- Have wonderful time everyone :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September again

Whiii so fast time rolling up and here we are touching the September. Btw for every moeslem around the world , Happy Ied Mubarak. May u are all having great adventure everywhere with or without the family. This September aw ... very nice with a group of little birds jumping at the durian tree. Can not captivated them while take care of lil child around - juz imagine yourself how beautiful it is :) This September is starting between the smile of children is a good vibration. Juz like it :)

Pasar Dadakan by Lorong Cihapit

Yeap just like the title "Pasar Dadakan" as suddenly I saw their poster and decided to go there. Its going on in a place called C...